1. Read Matthew 14:22-33.  If you had been one of the disciples in the boat that night, would you have been like Peter or like the other disciples? Why?

  2. What do you think motivated Peter to jump over the side of the boat? Why do you think that? What do you think the other disciples were thinking about Peter?

  3. Sometimes when we take a bold step of faith, others will not follow (and may even criticize or poke fun at our attempt). How can you overcome the fear of criticism or condemnation when you are taking a step with God?

  4. Sometimes God will ask us to do what seems to be the unthinkable. When Peter sank, Jesus immediately reached out to rescue him—how can this knowledge help us to take a bold step when God is asking us to?

  5. What are some areas that God is asking you to step into? (serving, giving, ministry, etc.) What is one step that you can take now that will get you out of your “boat”?