He had never seen this happen before. He had been around and on the water all his life. He probably had seen many men go into the water, but none had ever done what he was witnessing right now. People don’t walk on top of the water. Additionally, it was a well-known legend among sailors and fishermen that if you saw someone coming to you on top of the water, it was death itself coming to claim your life. On top of all of that, what he was seeing was happening in the middle of a storm.

In this situation (found in Matthew 14:22-33), Jesus had just done the miracle of feeding the five thousand and had sent his disciples ahead of him to cross to the other side of the lake. They get caught in a storm, and in the middle of the storm they see Jesus walking toward them on the water. He speaks to the disciples, telling them not to be afraid because he is here. Peter says, “If it is you, tell me to come to you on the water.” Jesus does, and Peter jumps over the side of the boat and walks toward Jesus on top of the water.

Now I don’t know what compelled Peter to actually jump over the side. Maybe it was great faith. Maybe it was Peter’s impetuousness or a little bit of his arrogance shining through. But whatever it was he was the only one who went over the side while the other eleven sat there firmly planted to their seats inside the boat. Why didn’t the others follow? Was it the uncertainty of the unknown, mistrust that it wasn’t really Jesus, or just plain old fear?

How often do we find ourselves in situations that seem overwhelming? The storms of life rise up around us and we can’t seem to find a way to navigate through them. Sometimes God asks us to do something that seems too big or scary, and we’re unwilling to take that step. It is in these moments, just like Jesus reaching down to lift Peter back up when he began to sink, that God invites us to come close to him. All it takes is a little faith, and that faith strengthens us to face whatever trouble is in front of us.

Storms are going to come. Difficulties will rise around us and at times fear will set in, but that fear can only grow in the absence of faith. Then faith grows when it is tested, and as our faith is tested, it stretches our understanding of what is possible with God.

So, what is God calling you to do that seems overwhelming, daunting, or too much? What is he asking you to do that you feel would put you in over your head and make you feel like you’re drowning? What “God step” are you hesitating to take because fear is overtaking your faith? Like Peter, you just need to step out of the boat. He had never walked on water before, but in that moment… he was doing the impossible! And even when he faltered and began to sink, Jesus was right there to take his hand, lift him up, and get him back to safety. He will do the same for you when you are willing to take the step he is asking you to take. Just get out of the boat.